Sunday, March 28, 2010

"All My Single Ladies"

Sorry for the delayed post. It has been along time coming. I have been busy, lazy, and out of town and that’s why I have not posted in the past few weeks.

This topic has been on my heart for sometime. As a single woman I have battled with thoughts about wanting to grow in femininity for the sake of marriage. I have had the thoughts, "If only I grew in ______, then I will be able to serve my husband and family one day". Has these words ever came out of your mouth? If so this is for you. I have a strong since that our motivation to grow in godliness should not be to serve our future husbands and families. I think Christ has a greater purpose and that is himself. We have always heard, we serve a jealous God. If that is the case, our motivation should be Christ and Christ alone and not a husband and/or family. If we are called to be pure, holy, servants, stewards, caretakers, loving, generous, caring, compassionate, its not because we are called to be these because it will best serve our husbands, but solely because it glorifies Christ. These things will serve your husbands, NO DOUBT but your husbands should not be the motivation to get you to grow in godliness. Also if we are called to be grow in biblical femininity its not just for the future but Christ calls us to be this way rather we are single, married, older or younger. No matter what season of life you are in you are called to be wise, godly women of God. This is a command as a believer not just for the sake to serve others but Christ and an out pour of that is that you will be able to better server others.


  1. I guess I'm a little confused, I know what you're saying but I caution against the statement below. We should be motivated to serve God first and ALSO husbands.
    "I have a strong since that our motivation to grow in godliness should not be to serve our future husbands and families. I think Christ has a greater purpose and that is himself."
    I think your encouragement to single ladies is great though.

  2. I think serving and loving your husband is only an application of growing in Christ. I believe this is for married women as well not just singles. I believe our motivation from Christ then should motivate us to love and serve our spouses and friends. First love Christ, then love others.

  3. Amen! Jesus is our bridegroom. So many young women take the beauty of marriage and turn it into an idol. In Hosea 2:16 the Lord says, "You will call me 'my husband.' If a woman is seeking a husband apart from Jesus she will always be unfulfilled and I feel sorry for any man asked to compete with God, who is perfect in all things, including intimacy. Love LOVE LOVE this post. Keep on Keepin' on Mary-girl!
