Thursday, September 16, 2010


IF YOU REALLY KNEW ME, YOU WOULD KNOW....that I really long to be accepted,  I want people to love and approve of me.  I do care what people think, and I often feel like a burden to those around me.  In addressing acceptance I want you to follow me on here!!!  Come one, come all!!

Also if you really knew me you would know that at one point in my life I didn't shave my legs for over 6 YEARS!! Don't judge!!!

Also if you knew me you would know that I pray for my husband sometimes.  I am single, so it may be a little strange.  Husband, if you are out there somewhere know that I am praying for you.  I pray you are encouraged in your soul, and I pray you are making wise choices and praying for me too.  Husband, you are welcome to come at anytime.  I am a huge sinner, so don't be surprised if I don't have it together. 

I know blog friends I am a little weird.  Sorry!!

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